Psychiatric Medication
Psychiatric Medication
Clients who may need psychotropic medication receive education and safe prescription of their medication. Our Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners bring a strong spirituality to our practice, believing that our office is a sacred space where miracles take place on a daily basis.

Counseling & Psychotherapy
Counseling & Psychotherapy
The illness or death of a loved one, the pain of a divorce, a traumatic experience from childhood, or even the demands of everyday life can be overwhelming. At some point, we all experience some sort of emotional distress and may feel alone and unsure of what to do. We can help.

Acupuncture is an ancient medicine that treats conditions in the mind and body simultaneously. The original metaphor was that it treats the body’s “qi” (or energy), which flows through specific pathways and points through the body. Acupuncture is safe, natural, and comfortable. Most people find it relaxing and helpful on a holistic level for all of their physical and emotional symptoms.

Assessment Center
Assessment Center
Precise psychiatric and psychological diagnosis is vital in order to determine accurate treatment and the best course of action for the treating clinician. Psychological testing can identify a variety of psychological symptoms as well as patterns in relationships and possible obstacles to academic progress.

Trauma Center
Trauma Center
The Complete Wellness Trauma Center focuses on helping individuals recover and heal from extraordinary events that have left lasting scars. Our counselors are trained experts in treating survivors of one or more traumatic experiences. Our goal is to make Posttraumatic Stress Disorder curable.

Divorce Mediation
Divorce Mediation
When couples reach the decision to end their relationship, the separation of assets combined with decisions regarding child access can seem daunting. Divorce Mediation can help bring your separation to an orderly closure even in the most conflictual relationship and without costing a fortune.

Complete Wellness for Business
Complete Wellness for Business
Our goal at Complete Wellness for Business is to provide effective organizational solutions designed to boost your business and productivity regardless of the size of your organization. Let our organizational management experts help you improve team morale and productivity.